Sunday, October 15, 2006


A few years ago I made a sudden move back to where I came from. Upon checking my mail one day I ran into a friend that I had in high school and hadn't spoken to in about 10 years. I ended up hanging out with him quite a bit and reconnecting with other people I assumed were dead or in prison. One guy, who had just gotten out of jail for busting out a neighbors windshield while legally intoxicated, was telling me about a new job he had gotten at the local Kum and Go. Kum and Go used to be Git and Go, a more trailer trash version of QuikTrip, and was lovingly referred to as Ejaculate and Evacuate after the novel name change. When Joel started working there he was warned about someone getting a "cup of dogs". Joel quickly found out that a cup of dogs involved a person coming into the gas station, getting a 32 oz. cup from the fountain and then placing six to eight hotdogs into the cup, placing a lid on the cup and going to the register to check out. Taking a cup of dogs had become so popular at this particular Kum and Go that the clerks were required to ask buyers to remove the lids from their drinks for inspection. Upon hearing this story I only wished that I was genius that had thought of this.

I will be the first one to raise my hand and say that I love hot dogs. The word love doesn't even do justice to my feelings for them. Everyone kept telling me that I needed to ask for jewelry after having the bean, all I wanted was
this. I can eat hot dogs from street vendors, at baseball games and have been known to sit in front of our fireplace roasting hotdogs and drinking beer . Today as I was pumping gas at my neighborhood QT, I was distantly saw a sign on a column where I could vaguely see the word hot dog beaming out of the text. As I stepped closer to read the sign it was as if all my dreams were coming true. I could go here fill out a quick form and in mere moments be back at this very same QT pulling my hot juicy dog out of the turner. I realized after taking all of this in that it was my duty as an American to pass this info onto the world, or at least the three people who read this blog. Consider this your PSA for the day.


Mayor of Crazytown said...

Thank you. You are a true hero.

Bossy Bar-Wife said...

OMG. I will join you and say that I too love hot dogs. This is a fantastic story and you have made a great contribution to society.

Bossy Bar-Wife said...

Also, should it concern me that I have now publicly announced on your blog that I love not only hot dogs, but spaghettios as well?